Group Profile
A Group Profile is used to correlate the controls on the information that is to be available to the user's Self Service screen.
(Hover over with your mouse to see the sample image in full size.)
- Customised Self Service Navigator optional
Rules and Guidelines
- The themes and links that have been created, the access profiles and the payroll, and Time templates are combined into the group profile.
- It is also used to control the leave types for which the balances are to be displayed.
- Any number of group profiles can be set up. Use the Self Service Users window or the Self Service Users Maintenance window to allocate the group profiles to individual users, or to a combination of selection criteria.
- There is an advanced search facility available on this window.
Field Information
Enter a code of up to 10 characters specifying the name of the group profile.
Enter a description of the group profile.
Select a customised Self Service Navigator to be attached to this group profile.
The name of the set of reports, links, and eNotes that will be available to the user attached to this group profile.
- When this group profile is attached to a user, the Public Favourites folder, if defined, will be included in the navigator when they log on.
- If no Public Favourites set is included, the Public Favourites folder will not be displayed when the user logs on.
Select the theme to be used for the group profile.
Select the Timesheet template to be used for the group profile. This is set via the Timesheet Templates window.
Choose from the following options:
Option | Description |
Y | Allow ESS user to reset their own passwords. |
N or Blank | Do not allow ESS user to reset their own passwords. This becomes the responsibility of the Administrator. |
Leave balances flagged with 'Y' will appear on the Leave Application window in Self Service.