Employer Contacts
This screen is view only. If any of the details need changing, please contact the Service Desk immediately.
(Hover over with your mouse to see the sample image in full size.)
- No prerequisites.
Rules and Guidelines
- In Moorepayhr, master data is composed of the company and contact details displayed on this screen. Moorepayhr implements the SugarCRM solution to centrally manage all customer master data and to optimise the system using effective workflow management. Click this link to learn more about this solution.
- The fields on this screen are set to View Only for the following user types: Vendor Partner, Administrator, Manager, and Employee.
- Vendor Support and Vendor Ops user types can edit the fields for manual updates on payroll when same-day changes are required - provided that the company selected on the screen is not in “Payroll in progress” status.
- The "Delivery Address" field is editable to allow all users to define their own delivery address for payslips and printed reports.
Field Information

This field is view-only.

This field is used for identification purposes if more than one company is defined to the system. The company name and number will be printed on any report which includes multi-company information, such as Departmental Analysis, SSP, etc. This field is view-only.

The “Company Name” must adhere to the HMRC validation for RTI; otherwise, the data import will fail (“Failed 0001 Company Name contains invalid characters”).
Below is a list of valid characters for this field:
Characters | Symbol |
Letters, lower case | a to z |
Letters, upper case | A to Z |
Numerals | 0 to 9 |
Space character | |
Full Stop | . |
Comma | , |
Hyphen/minus sign | - |
Opening parenthesis | ( |
Closing parenthesis | ) |
Oblique stroke (forward slash) | / |
Equals sign | = |
Exclamation mark | ! |
Quotation Mark | " |
Percentage sign | % |
Ampersand | & |
Asterisk | * |
Semi-colon | ; |
Less than sign | < |
Greater than sign | > |
Apostrophe | ' |
Plus sign | + |
Colon | : |
Question Mark | ? |
Backslash | \ |
Open square bracket | [ |
Close square bracket | ] |
"At" sign | @ |
Dollar sign | $ |
Number sign (Hash sign) | # |
Circumflex | ^ |
Opening braces | { |
Closing braces | } |
Underscore | _ |

This name is used to identify the company for P45 and P60 prints etc. It is also used when processing BACS.

Four address lines are available to define the location of the company. This address will also be printed on P45s and P60 and can be displayed on payslips if required.

Enter a valid country code for the delivery.

Enter the Post Code details for the delivery.

Four address lines giving the delivery location of the Company.

Enter a valid country code for the delivery. The value in this field must match standard country codes and descriptions.

Enter the Post Code details for the delivery.

Enter your company's main contact name, if required.

Enter the company's main contact telephone number, if required.

Enter the company's main contact email address, if required.

Enter your company's secondary contact name, if required.
- This field cannot be populated unless the "Contact Name 1" field has been populated.
- If there is a "Contact Name 2" with no "Contact Name 1", the import will fail ("Failed 0002 Contact Name 2 attempted without Contact Name 1.")

Enter your company's management main contact name, if required.

Enter the company's main contact telephone number, if required.

Enter the company's management main contact email address, if required.

Enter your company's management secondary contact name, if required.
- This field cannot be populated unless the "Management Contact 1" field has been populated.
- If there is a "Management Contact 2" with no "Management Contact 1", the import will fail ("Failed 0002 Management Contact 2 attempted without Management Contact 1.")

Enter the company's management secondary contact telephone number, if required.

Enter the company's management secondary contact email address, if required.