This screen allows the user to update company contributions.
(Hover over with your mouse to see the sample image in full size.)
- Pension Scheme Creation and/or Selection
- Pension Details
- Qualifying Earnings (for AE only)
- Pensionable Pay
- Pension Code
Rules and Guidelines
- Validation and Save are performed upon clicking Next.
- Fields that are marked with red asterisks (*) are mandatory.
Field Information
Options include 'Pension A', 'Pension B', 'Pension C', 'E Auto Enrolment', '% Pension', and 'Fixed Amount Pension (S-Type Deduction Code)'.
If the Scheme is 'Auto Enrolment', this field is automatically populated with 'E', and the Band values are populated as well based on the Set Type defined on Pensionable Pay.
For Pensions A, B, C:
- Band 1
Upper Limit (Limit 1) is enabled; ERS Contribution and EES Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERX and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 2
Upper Limit (Limit 2) is enabled; ERS and ESS Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERS and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 3
Upper Limit (Limit 3) is enabled; ERS and EES Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERS and ESS are disabled.
For Pension E (Auto Enrolment):
- Band 1
Upper Limit (Limit 1) is enabled; ERS Contribution and EES Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERX and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 2
Upper Limit (Limit 2) is enabled; ERS and ESS Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERS and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 3
Upper Limit (Limit 3) is enabled; ERS and EES Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERS and ESS are disabled.
For % Type Pension:
- Band 1
Upper Limit (Limit 1) is disabled; ERS Contribution and EES Contribution cannot be greater than 100%; ERX and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 2
Upper Limit (Limit 2) is disabled; ERS and ESS Contribution are disabled; ERS and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 3
Upper Limit (Limit 3) is disabled; ERS and EES Contribution are disabled; ERS and ESS are disabled.
For S Type Pension:
- Band 1
Upper Limit (Limit 1) is disabled; ERS Contribution and EES Contribution are disabled; ERX and ESS Fixed Amount are enabled.
- Band 2
Upper Limit (Limit 2) is disabled; ERS and ESS Contribution are disabled; ERS and ESS Fixed Amount are disabled.
- Band 3
Upper Limit (Limit 3) is disabled; ERS and EES Contribution are disabled; ERS and ESS are disabled.
Select Next >> to continue with the workflow or << Back to go to the previous screen. Cancel closes the Wizard.
Click this link --> Pension Setup Wizard if you want to go to the Wizard's Help.