About the Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base (KB), also referred to as Help, opens online information about the Module or screen you are currently in, and other helpful tips to aid you as you go through Moorepayhr. Various Help Tools can be viewed directly from the KB using the Table of Contents (TOC).
The Knowledge Base can be accessed via:
- Pressing the F1 key; or
- Navigating to the Help Menu > Contents.
The Table of Contents is available on the left side of the KB. The TOC covers the following:
- About the Knowledge Base
This provides information on How to use the Online Help, the Help available, the Knowledge Base Template, and how to perform Search in the KB.
- Getting Started
This area guides you on how to change your password, log in details, and a lot more.
- Modules
This provides a list as well as detailed information on all the available windows within the Modules (e.g. Personnel, Payroll or Administration) that you have access to.
This provides information about all the available Tools (e.g. Console or Mapper) that you have access to.
KB Search
1. When Searching for a particular subject, type the search criteria into the Search area of the Knowledge Base (i.e. if searching for information about Leave, enter 'Leave' into the Search area provided). This will list all topics within the system that contain the word entered.
2. Clicking on one of the topics listed in the Search Results will lead to that Topic/ KB Page, highlighting each occurrence of the word in the KB (e.g. the word 'Leave' in yellow highlight).
3. If you did not get the expected Search Results, try clearing your browser's cache by using the command Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
If you want to search the exact phrase or combination of words (e.g. Bank Details) and would like to omit from the search results the single words from the phrase (e.g. not Bank or Details), you may enter the search keywords within quotation marks (e.g. "Bank Details"). This will display and highlight all topics that contain only the exact phrase.
- Use the Remove Search Highlight button
to remove the highlighted words.
- Each field within a topic is represented by a Drop-down field
. This means that by expanding the field name, information about the field is revealed.
- Using the Expand All/ Collapse All button
will reveal information about all fields within the selected topic and close all currently opened drop-downs, respectively.
- Clicking this icon
prints the topics or KB Page you are currently in.